Alex Taylor


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About Alex Taylor

A black and white icon of a certificate with a ribbon.

  • CrossFit Level 1

Alex has been doing CrossFit for over 7 years now! She started with a 12 week fitness challenge at work which exposed her to Crossfit and she’s been hooked ever since. She joined CFEN at a tumultuous time in her life and it instantly became her community, her safe haven, and her family. She’s honestly not sure where she’d be as a person if she hadn’t found this gym.

​Most of her friends and classmates realized she was meant for coaching before she did. In her mind, she was still the new one with a lot to learn, and at some point, she became the one who’s been around the block for a while! She learned immensely about priorities, training “smart”, and long term thinking during and after her recovery from shoulder surgery, and that perspective shift honestly made her a better athlete and more prepared to coach others. She absolutely LOVES coaching and she’s looking forward to accruing more certifications so she can be the best coach possible!

​Outside of the gym, she loves to read, bake, pet any animal she comes across, and is working her way through all of the National Parks, one year at a time!

it's about time you flourish

CrossFit East Nashville is more than just a gym. It is first and foremost, a community. Become a part of something bigger than yourself.

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